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Added on : 2023-04-19 12:24:50

India is on its way to become the most populous country in the world, overtaking China with almost three million more people in the middle of this year, Reuters reported citing data by the United Nations on Wednesday.

The demographic data from the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) “State of World Population Report, 2023” estimates India’s population at 1,428.6 million or 1.4286 billion against 1.4257 billion for China.

According to the latest data, the United States is a distant third, with an estimated population of 340 million. The data reflects information available as of February 2023.

While India is expected to surpass China in terms of population soon, the latest report from the global body did not specify a date for when the change would take place.

Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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