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Added on : 2024-04-07 11:31:00

Thirteen-year-old Nikita from Basti district of Uttar Pradesh had no idea that using her presence of mind to foil a monkey attack using Alexa would make her so popular overnight that she would even attract a promise of a corporate job at Mahindra when she grew up.

Anand Mahindra’s post on X reads, “The dominant question of our era is whether we will become slaves or masters of technology. The story of this young girl provides comfort that technology will always be an enabler of human ingenuity. Her quick thinking was extraordinary.”

He added, “What she demonstrated was the potential for leadership in an entirely unpredictable world. After she finishes her education, If she ever decides to work in the corporate world I hope we at @MahindraRise will be able to convince her to join us!”

Nikita saved her niece and herself by using the voice of Alexa device when monkeys entered their house .

The incident occurred in the house of Pankaj Ojha in Basti’s Awas Vikas Colony. His daughter Nikita was playing with her 15-month-old niece on the sofa inside her house while the other members of the house were in other rooms. The monkeys entered the house and started picking utensils and searching for food, causing panic.

Though Nikita got scared, as the monkeys tried to come near them, her eyes caught the Alexa kept on the fridge. She immediately commanded the Alexa to bark and as soon as the device made a loud barking noise, the monkeys got scared and ran outside through the balcony.

Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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